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What is the purpose of marriage?

Updated: Feb 19, 2022

Before we can answer “what is marriage” we need to understand who is God! Most Bibles translate the word “God” from the Hebrew “Elohim”. There is no distinction in the word “god” as a god could be anything or anyone. However in the Hebrew language (the original language of the Bible) god is referred to as Elohim. According to the Hebrew language Elohim is plural. Meaning more than one. So Elohim is plurality which consists of The Father, The Holy Spirit or Ruach HaChodesh which is feminine (consider Jesus himself referred to the Holy Spirit as “her” and Proverbs 8 describes it as a woman personified as Wisdom) and the interaction of these two which creates the Son. This is the true meaning of the idea of The trinity. so you have the Father, The Holy Spirit and The Son.

Whenever God (or Elohim) speaks the distinction that made is that it’s the Father who is speaking. Now that distinction when it speaks is also named. Our bibles call that distinct aspect of Elohim the Lord. In Hebrew it is called Yahweh. It is the Father. The husband, The head. When our Bibles mention “the Lord”it is making a distinction regarding which aspect of the Elohim is speaking. Wherever we see in our bibles “the Lord God” the scripture is referring to Yahweh Elohim! We recreate through marriage this Union. I’ll explain! Elohim created humanity with 5 senses. The Garden of Eden was poppin with everything to take full advantage of those senses. The ear, the tongue, the eyes, the nose and touch! All meant to be utilized for humanities enjoyment. However after all that Elohim had created there was only 1 thing that was not good and that was man being alone. Why was this "not good"?

So Elohim created for Adam a wombman, an equal to himself. They both knew who they were in Elohim. And they knew who they were as individuals. They existed in harmony and unity with The Elohim! This state of existence is synonymous with joyful, merry, content, cheerful and blessed. All of these are synonyms for being happy and it didn’t stop when Adam saw his womb man. As a matter of fact it was through his care, concern and privilege of having her that all the other things in which he enjoyed with his senses was not greatly magnified!

So their happiness was not just predicated on who they were as separate existences but who they were separately in Elohim. And also in who they could be (according to the roles applied by Elohim) with each other and in their pursuits to become one flesh. And also in their collective effort to maintain the atmosphere in which they lived.

Happiness alone cannot sustain a marriage but it is very much a part of marriage. Marriage fluctuates, it is a constant balance of highs and lows, joy and trails, happiness and sadness.

So what is the purpose of marriage? The objective of marriage is to reflect into the world the physical manifestation of love. As love is an action word. This is why it was not good for man to be alone. Because Adam came from love (of which The Elohim is) so He knew Adam needed another so love could be reflected and present in this world. Marriage is a reenactment of The Elohim. Marriage is love in action. Marriage is based on a multiplicity of factors of which happiness is a part. Marriage is an atmosphere that two people create, honor and exist in happily!

Many times I have heard (as I’m sure you have to) that marriage is “just a price of paper”! Well that’s partly true. If you’re simply talking about the state and governments involvement legitimizing the union and its involvement in a fair and equitable disillusion. Marriage is at its core an institution designed by God for a very spiritual purpose!

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