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Narcissism or Personality Disorder

Updated: Apr 9, 2022

This post is an analysis by OCCM based in 12 years of counseling clients who have experienced Narcissistic Abuse & have been in need of Recovery. IT IS NOT IN ANY WAY A PERSONAL ATTACK TOWARDS JADA PINKETT SMITH!

Although narcissism is a Personality Disorder not all personality disorders are the same. they range from schizoid to narcissism to bipolar and obsseviv compulsive. To the untrained eye I'm pretty sure it looks like Will and Jada have a normal marriage with trials and errors just like everyone other married couple. But to the trained eye it appears that there's a huge Personality Disorder that dominates their marriage based on the conduct and personality o off one Mrs Jada Pinkerton Smith. These are not traits exclusive to Jada but traits that appears to have been put on display throughout her relationship with Will Smith. Clearly she has been the aggressor and Will has been the adjuster. Not just in the marriage itself but also in the raising of their children.

In order for a person who is a predator to stay connect and stay in a relationship they must first find a victim. Will Smith grew up in a household where he was miserable and watched his father "beat the shit out of his mother" according to Will Smith. And he was determined to "build something the complete opposite of that" for himself. This desire to be something different is not abnormal but that is a recipe for disaster! Simply because that which you deny most you will attract. Not only that whenever a person makes a statement like that you're pretty much guaranteed they’ll stay in relationships far past the expiration date based on their determination to "not be like" something or someone else.

Even though he had the idea of what he wanted to create with Jada there was one person that stood in his way, Tupac Shakur! When asked, "was there ever any jealousy for the love Jada had with Tupac?" Will replied, "fuck yeah!" Will went on to say that, “she just loved him! He was like the image of perfection, but she was with the fresh prince!" This is a comparison Will made with himself and Tupac based on Jada’s love for Tupac.

Will says, "I was deeply, deeply insecure and I wasn't man enough to handle that relationship." In my opinion he shouldn't have had to. He should have been able to move on and let her recover or she should have waited until she was well enough to be in a healthy relationship. But I digress. Now I know most men (including myself) would not have contended with that and would have moved on. But not Will, he was perfectly broken and groomed for this type of relationship. Because as he told Jada, “there is nothing that she could ever do to make him leave her“! That is extremely toxic! That means an individual is going into that union without healthy boundaries. Even without any idea of what matters within that relationship might be undesirable to m him. This makes a person a “people pleaser” and the type of person who will emotionally self sacrifice for the betterment of others. Will called himself, "an insecure boy who was trying to prove something." While being married to Jada. Will said, "I can love you through anything." This is a "people pleaser" statement. And just what a predator type with a Personality Disorder looks for.

We have to also keep in mind that most people who suffer from PD’s are usually the child of a parent who also has some you type of mental health issue. A child with a personality disorder usually acquires it from their parents or from some type of cruel or traumatic experience in the developmental years. On Jada’s very own sit down talk show-Red Table Talk-she discussed not ever wanting to be married. And how it was her mother who sort of forced her into it. In this interview she expressly mentions that she did not want to be married or have a wedding ceremony. All while sitting there at the table, during a broadcast recording in front of his daughter, Jadas mom and Will Smith. And as she repeats this undoubtedly hurtful statement everyone at the time laughs! Including Will Smith!

Why do I call Mrs Pinkett Smith a predator with a PD? She abused and took advantage of August Alsina (her son's friend) while he was in a broken state and in need of recovery, while still being married. She has openly discussed her desire for bad boys which is just the opposite of what Will is and to the best of our knowing has never said or done anything to change Will's self perception. She has proven herself to be unable to take accountability when discussing her affair with August by attempting to label it as the now famous "entanglement." All the while discrediting Will as a husband and man. Most recently with just a look she was able to move Will to act in her defense at the 2022 Oscar's by slapping Chris Rock and maybe jeopardizing his career and surely his image. Meanwhile she sat and watched, never once did she move to stop him. Instead she sat still like the grand puppet master and watched her husband act in a way that absolutely did nothing for himself or her. He wants validation from Jada still! And Jada loves it! Why do we make this statement? Because she holds the power to make it be something different for herself and Will.

Even after “The Slap” Jada has further impugned the dignity and image of Will Smith by saying, “she never needed him to stag stand up for her. She is not don some wall flowers!” No support, no compassionate statement, just Jada defending herself again! Meanwhile Will has been banned from the Oscar’s for 10 years! You may be asking, “how doI know that she hasn’t shown Will some compassion and support in the privacy of their time together?” Well, I don’t! But I do know this, the same opportunity that was given for her to defend herself she could have also taken that time to publicly speak in defense of her husband.

As things usually go with someone who have a PD and there victim, after they've used them up and extracted every resource they eventually discard their victim. Will has already resigned from the academy and certain streaming platforms have put Will Smith's projects on hold! We would hope that Will has continued success with his career and we're prayerful that if he takes a critical hit financially and things change for the worst that Jada will continue to stand by her husband. Not in the manner in which she has but in a way that will support Will and keep his spirits lifted because he’ll need it. If she does not then it would just be one more example that Mrs Pinkett Smith could be a predator with a Personality Disorder.

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