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A Husband & Wife’s Duty

Jesus said to his disciples while washing their feet, "you do not understand what I am doing now, but someday you will!" So what was the big deal? I mean he was only washing feet, right?

Jesus was also making an example by putting on a display of his humility and servanthood. A leader becomes great by how good he is at serving others. Also a leader becomes greater when he carries a spirit of humility. Submission comes easier to a wife when she is served. Just as it comes harder if a man is high-minded. Submission is not force or a dictatorship. Serve her and she'll fall into it. You shouldn't have to say a word. Not only is humility and servitude required as members of the body of Christ, they're also required in marriage. A married man's first ministry is his wife. A lot of men don't understand or have the posture of a humble servant when taking on a wife. Although Jesus told his disciples, "you may not understand now but you will later" it seems that even today we’re still not getting it. We should all know by now.

Just as it is a husbands duty to lead by serving with a spirit of humility. It is also a wife’s duty to be her husband anointing. Anointing you might ask? Yes! I’ll explain.

Both husband and wife play major roles in keeping a marriage successful and holy. A husband is a leader (which requires headship). He is also a provider, which means he takes care of her needs emotionally, spiritually and physically! He should also be a fierce protector of her emotions, her spirit and physicality. A husband’s position and assignment requires an anointing. A good wife is an anointing to her husband’s head.

God has a plan and destiny for the husband. Even if he has not realized it yet. God does not send a man her empty. When a wife assist her husband in his godly function and plan for their lives she becomes his anointing. This is what makes her his good thing. She can assist him in his role as father, lover, husband, and speaking into the lives of other young men and women.

A wife is a husbands encourager, strength and heavenly covering. Just as a husband is his wife’s physical covering. She is the physical manifestation of the Holy Spirit. She is a comforter for him. There are certain elements in a man’s life that he should be able to yield to his wife without embarrassment, shame or ridicule. Remember it was not good for him to be alone. If it was a good thing he would not have needed a helpmeet. God fashioned a man and woman to be husband and wife. Each with needs that only the other could provide.

These positions should never change. Although the manner in which they play out can fluctuate. Yes a woman can be a higher wage earner, a husband can cook and clean. A wife can be the anointed one in the marriage as well. By way of her vision and calling but that should not change her position within the marriage union. When done correctly, with full understanding of what is required as husband and wife Gods plan for marriage can be executed perfectly.

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