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13 Reasons Women Are Frustrated With Men & Dating

Over the years I have counseled many women (and men) in singles/couples therapy and it is alarming that the overall experiences that women are having while dating and being in relationships with men, are pretty much all the same when it comes to their complaints about dating. So I took it upon myself to gather information to to present to the reader to give an overall view of what those complaints are.  

Here’s the results:

  1. Men who expect women to work and help pay bills AND do the  majority of the household work. According to women, men are trying to get away with doing less than their equal share of the overall responsibilities and bill paying. 

  2. Finding a guy who has actually done his own inner work and has taken steps to heal his own broken pieces and inner child/family of origin issues that may effect him emotionally. EXAMPLE: insecurities, trust issues, controlling, too possessive etc

  3. Guys who are more into casual dating, without an endgame in mind. Which brings about the question from the woman, “What are we doing?”

  4. Grown men with the intellect of a teenager. 

  5. Putting on a front. Being the nice guy until something (usually minor and out of the woman’s control) comes up and he does a complete 180 because things are no longer going his way. 

  6. Men not wanting to define the season of the relationship that they’re in. Is it casual, committed, serious, are we exclusive, are we dating to marry etc. 

  7. Ghosting, often for no apparent reason or ghosting because his feelings were hurt. Women would rather a guy just say, “I’m no longer interested!”

  8. Poor communication skills.

  9. A man lacking the ability to give a woman proper respect and appreciation.   

  10. No real relationship with God. At least not in a way that a woman can feel loved, protected and safe in his care. 

  11. Courtship is about what the man can get and has very little to do with being available and present for the woman.    

  12. It seems men only want the “baddies bitch” while smart, quality women are overlooked.

  13. Men appear to want women to chase them. As if they are the   prize.”

Call it what you want, but these things are a collection of concerns, frustrations and experiences of women regarding the dating scene today. These complaints are universal! To close this dating gap the consensus is men have to at least step up. Just come to the table so that a dialogue can be had. Of course, men have their own complaints as well. But the fact of the matter is, they’re not expressing them. It’s almost as if due to the enormous disparity in the numbers of men to women, that men are staying still knowing that eventually women will have to come their way. Well, here’s a new flash! That’s not going to work either, because women are becoming more and more self sufficient, self reliant and and independent in their singleness, and they’re ok with it. 

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