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10 Signs That God is Preparing You For Marriage

1. Growing Spiritual Maturity: They are actively seeking spiritual growth and maturity, demonstrating a deepening relationship with God.

2. Aligned Values: They exhibit values and beliefs that align with biblical principles and a commitment to living a godly life.

3. Prayerful Attitude: They consistently seek God’s guidance through prayer, both individually and in their relationships.

4. Fruit of the Spirit: They demonstrate the fruits of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control—in their interactions and behavior.

5. Community Support: They are surrounded by a supportive community of believers who encourage their spiritual journey and relationship with God.

6. Healthy Boundaries: They understand the importance of healthy boundaries in relationships and are committed to honoring them.

7. Servant Heart: They have a servant heart, showing compassion, empathy, and a willingness to serve others, including their future spouse.

8. Wise Decision-Making: They make decisions based on biblical wisdom and seek counsel from trusted mentors or spiritual leaders.

9. Emotional Healing: They have experienced emotional healing and growth from past hurts or brokenness, allowing them to enter into a marriage with a healed heart.

10. Shared Vision: They have a shared vision for marriage that includes honoring God, building a Christ-centered relationship, and serving others together.

While these signs can provide guidance, it's important to remember that God works in His own timing and can take two people through very unique paths to get them to the alter together. Trusting in God's providence and seeking His will in all things is key to preparing for a godly marriage.

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